Category Archives: BMW

When will the all-new 640i xDrive GT be available?

2018 BMW 6 Series Gran Turismo Release Date

Earlier this month, BMW introduced an all-new vehicle that will be releasing at a later date this fall called the 2018 BMW 6 Series Gran Turismo. This sporty vehicle will only be available on the 640i xDrive platform, but will offer a gorgeous, sportier alternative to other 6 Series models. We thought we’d give you a quick sneak peek at some of the awesome specs & features available in the new 6 Series GT. Read the rest of this entry >>

History of the BMW Roundel Logo

The Story of the BMW Roundel Logo

Whenever we look at a BMW in the showroom at Prestige Imports, one of the first things we’ll notice is the iconic blue-and-white circular logo. Yet, while we quickly assign a certain level of social cachet to this emblem, we likely don’t take the time to figure out where it might have come from. As it turns out, the BMW Roundel logo has a story every bit as interesting as the story of BMW itself. So gather ‘round, kids; Prestige Imports is going to tell you a tale. Read the rest of this entry >>